The Index Islamicus database indexes literature on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world. It is produced by an editorial team working at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, established to transmit knowledge about Islamic and Middle East studies, which have traditionally been part of the curriculum of SOAS.
This video will help you get the most out of Index Islamicus Online on our BrillOnline Bibliographies platform by showing you all the different ways you can
Las concordancias del Corán. Leiden: Brill, xxiv+191 pp. incl. appendices, bibliography, index. geographischen und ethno-linguistischen Winkel des mundus Islamicus außer Acht. Dabei geht Material cited in the Index Islamicus includes not only work written about the Middle East, but also about the other main Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, plus Muslim minorities elsewhere. Over 3,000 journals are monitored for inclusion in the database, together with conference proceedings, monographs, multi-authored works and book reviews.
Data prior to the launch date is back-tested data (i.e. calculations of how the index might have performed over that time period had the index existed). There are frequently material differences between back-tested performance and actual results. Past performance -- whether actual or Index Islamicus is the primary index to literature on Islam, the Middle East and Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, and Muslim minorities elsewhere.It includes citations to over 2,000 journals, conference proceedings, monographs, and book reviews from 1906 to present. Get more done with the new Google Chrome.
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This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. Request full-text PDF For Your Home Residential Products; Local Rebates & Savings; Warranties & Registration; Get Support Get this from a library! Quarterly Index Islamicus..
New York and Oxford, 1990. Study of the social, intellectual, and political dynamics of the Salafi trend in Damascus between 1885 and 1914. Hinnebusch, Raymond A. Authoritarian Power and State Formation in Ba’thist Syria.
Data prior to the launch date is back-tested data (i.e. calculations of how the index might have performed over that time period had the index existed). There are frequently material differences between back-tested performance and actual results.
The file contains citations from international titles and 13,000 multi-author works in and related to the field of religion. Dates of coverage: 1949 to the present. Index Islamicus, 1906-1955; a catalogue of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications. With supplements 1 and 2 Pearson, J.D., with the assistance of Julia F. Ashton
Index Islamicus is THE international classified bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world from 1906 onwards until present day. Index Islamicus (1906- ) indexes articles, essays in books, and books (beginning in 1976) in Western languages on the Muslim world. Covers both Islamic countries and Muslim minorities.
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It is produced by an editorial team working at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, established to transmit knowledge about Islamic and Middle East studies, which have traditionally been part of the curriculum of SOAS.
Övriga kreatörer. av INFORMATIONSFÖRENINGEN · Citerat av 2 — 18 Jag har främst sökt i databasen Index Islamicus på orden islam, islamism, belief, theology, Sweden och Europe Albany: State university of New York Press.
om islam på 750-tunnland sydvästra New York Chautauqua Institution(CI), Index islamicus the index islamicus database indexes literature on islam, the
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Det bör tilläggas att forskningen av taqiyya som kan hittas via Index Islamicus är The Formation of Islam, Religion and Society in the Near East, New York:
New York. Kassis, H. & Kobbervig, K. I., 1987.
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Index Islamicus Last updated June 07, 2020. Index Islamicus (ISSN 1360-0982, ISSN 0308-7395) is a bibliography database of publications about Islam and the Muslim world, first compiled in 1956 by James Douglas Pearson.
The options below allow you to export current page of search results into plain text or into your citation manager. ISSN: 0730-5710,1046-2368 Está en una base de datos de indización y resumen o en DOAJ (, Anthropological Literature) = +3Antigüedad = 67 años (fecha inicio: 1954) The Journal of Persianate Studies is a peer-reviewed publication of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies. The journal publishes articles on the culture and civilization of the geographical area where Persian has historically been the dominant language or a major cultural force, encompassing Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, as well as the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Indian The sixth victim of a shooting in Rock Hill, South Carolina, earlier this week has died, the York County coroner announced Saturday.
Los Angeles Times 1881-1988; The New York Times 1851-2008; New York Tribune 1841-1922 UCL has trial access to Index Islamicus until 25th July 2020.
Khartoum 1973 UT 011 IND; Index Islamicus : 1906 databaser som Libris, Index Islamicus och ATLA Religious databas. I min utsökning av databaserna har jag använt följande sökord och ”söksträngar”: Religion, Ett index över artiklar i tidskrifter och filmer inom ämnet antropologi. Fulltext av de tre tidningarna New York Times (1851-2007), The Guardian and The av Z Cajlakovic · 2015 — wasatiyyah”, Oxford University Press, New York, 2015, s.9. 85 Ibid., s.14.
The results of the Economic Islamicity Index are shown in table below. Median EI scores and ranking for OIC countries declined considerably compared to 2017. However, there were still some noteworthy improvements this year. Leading the list of major declines were Sierra Leonne, Lebanon, Pakistan, Egypt and Syria. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.