ATEX Certification for the European Union Hazardous locations and explosion-protected equipment intended for installation in the European Union must comply with the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU, which replaced the former ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.
Self-aligning clevis at cylinder base. MP5. Round flange at Protection class for ATEX version. 07 Declaration of conformity according to directive 2014/34/EU.
The Atex Directive uses an ‘attestation of conformity’ to affirm compliance to the Atex Directive, this is in the form of an EU Declaration of conformity (in place of the old EC declaration of conformity). A contract between the manufacturer and the customer under European law stating compliance to all relevant European directives. UK Doc Cat 3 The EU declaration of Conformity must be supported with a technical file with details of justification e.g. Type Certificates, drawings, power calculations etc. but this file would not normally be supplied to any client.. Category 3 equipment. Under Atex a Notified Body Type certificates cannot be issued for Category 3 equipment and it is assumed under the UKCA marking a similar Up-to-date ATEX markings easily catch you up on the applications, protection concepts, assemblies or other self-manufactured or purchased component parts for their companies.
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2014/34/EU. (ATEX). Nov 28, 2003 also ATEX 100, ATEX 95) covers equipment and protection systems for use according to Declaration of Conformity in accordance with ATEX. The 2014 Atex Directive changes that, not only making the EU Declaration of own assembly certification this could be a Category 3 'self-certification' and a full The majority of non-electrical equipment is covered by self-declaration of conformity by the equipment manufacturer (see below conformity assessment routes.) AtEX SERIES 80 WItH MANUFACtURER DEClARAtIoN. 96 - 99 GENERAl INFoRMAtIoN - AtEX DIRECtIVE 94/9 EG Self-capacitance (C). 250 nF. Permitted MTR ATEX-approved pumps, to which the declaration below relates, is in conformity with Non-electrical self-declaration made by Grundfos according to the.
deals with the technical and legal aspects of the ATEX Directive on a day to day The Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is self declared by the manufacturer.
▫ European Standards. ▫ IEC IP Rating System. ▫ ATEX.
Up-to-date ATEX markings easily catch you up on the applications, protection concepts, assemblies or other self-manufactured or purchased component parts for their companies. What is really new is that the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU has expanded the group of operators (distributors, importers, Unchanged declaration of conformity.
Tel: +44 (0)1298 873800 Fax: +44 (0)1298 873801 E-mail: cemark[at] Often customers contact us to ask for a Declaration of Conformity without realising they must first complete the previous steps. Compile a Technical File All CE marking directives require the manufacturer of the product to create a technical file which should contain the information required to show that the product properly complies with the requirements of the directives which apply to it. 2016-07-05 EU Declaration Of Conformity IMI Precision Engineering Thompson Valves Ltd, 17 Balena Close, Creekmoor Industrial Estate, Poole ,BH17 7EF, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1202 697521 IMPORTERS Declaration of Conformity The ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU Obligations of Importers in Accordance to Article 8 EC Declaration of Conformity . The Manufacturer: ABB Oy ABB Sp.z.o.o . Motors and Generators 27 Placydowska Str. M3J_/M3K_ 100-112 Gen.H LCIE 10 ATEX 3092X 2010 M3J_/M3K_ 132 Gen.H LCIE 10 ATEX 3093X 2010 M3J_/M3K_ 160 Gen.H LCIE 11 ATEX 3087X 2011 A04984 EU Declaration of Conformity In accordance with EN ISO / IEC 17050-1:2010 GASALERTMICROCLIP XT, GASALERTMICROCLIP XL, GASALERTMICROCLIP X3 Declaration Number: 2004Y0059_05 Description: Portable multi-gas detector Intended Use: Monitoring of toxic gas, Oxygen and combustible gas concentrations. Manufacturer: BW Technologies by Honeywell - 4411 6th Street … KSFHP Self-Declaration Form Employment and Income KSFHP – Revised September 2015 Patient Information Client’s Name: Client’s D.O.B: Address: Phone Number: Declaration of Employment: This section is to be filled out and signed by the employed individual I _____ … EC Declaration of Conformity The manufacturer: ABB Automation Technologies AB, LV Motors S-721 70 Västerås, Sweden Hereby declares that The VSD drive combinations: ABB Frequency converters ACS550, ACH550, ACS350 and ACS800 and 3-phase induction motors EEx nA II T3 (200 °) Group II – Category 3G – Temperature class T3 (200 °) and DeclarOfPerform_PKI-ATEX_I_EN.docx 1 / 2 1396 1396 FTZU 13 ATEX 0046 DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE FTZU 14 ATEX 0127X Accordingly Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council Number of the declaration: DeclarOfPerform_PKI-ATEX_I_EN 1. Unique identification code of the product PKIS90 -Ex, 120 , PKIS3G/3GA Ex, PKIR3G 2.
Phone Toll Free: 800.223.1325; Email
Read and confirm your declaration.
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With the introduction of Atex, marking and EC Declarations of conformity the EC Type Certificate remained the mandatory document for evidence of Atex compliance to the 1999 directive. There is no self-declaration as exists under ATEX, regardless of the intended hazardous area zone of use. CE is a self declaration, where you are declaring your product complies with all applicable European directives, (i.e.
Under the ATEX Directive, manufacturers can self declare that the product is fit for purpose for Zone 2 applications only. Reputable manufacturers will apply the correct self-declaration process and conduct design calculations, stress analysis, temperature and load testing and conduct a formal ignition hazard assessment for their product as a matter of course.
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Referred to in this declaration are compliant with ATEX 95 regulations and may be used in potentially explosive atmospheres. - Directive 94/9/EC. Compliance with the essential health and safety requirements has been assured by conformation with the following standard(s) or directive(s) - European Standard EN 13463-1:2001
- Certificate issued by ExNB only for category 1 / 2 and M 1 / 2 electrical equipment - Self certification allowed for Category 3 and Category 2 Mechanical.
Reputable manufacturers will apply the correct self-declaration process and conduct design calculations, stress analysis, temperature and load testing and conduct a formal ignition hazard assessment for their product as a matter of course. However, as this is a self-regulating process, there is a risk of malpractice or misinterpretation.
Short Instruction (KA) KEMA 99 ATEX 0523 Beskrivning, lång: The EF460-500 is an self-supplied electronic overload relay, which means no The EF460 and EF750 have ATEX and IECEx certification 1) Struct bindings::windows::win32::xaudio2::IXAPO_abi[−]. [+] Show declaration. [+] Expand attributes.
Declaration of area expressed in hectares with two decimals. The current VAT rules leads to cascade effects, self-supplies and a disincentive the risks. This is true for ATEX and chemical and biological agents among others.