The industrialization process in the Chinese mirror : continuity and change in transition from collective agriculture to market economy in China / Turaj S. Faran. Faran, Turaj S., 1953- (författare) Lunds universitet (utgivare) ISBN 9789174732283 Publicerad: Lund : Lund University : 2011
The Industrialization Process in the Chinese Mirror. av S. Faran, Turaj. Förlag: Media-Tryck; Format: Inbunden; Språk: Engelska; Utgiven: 2011-01-01; ISBN:
LUCSUS – Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies. LUCID – Lund University Centre for Integration of. M Hansen, T Faran, D O'Byrne. The Journal of Environment & Development 24 (4), International Health 18, 2013. 2013. Melissa Hansen1, Turaj Faran1, and.
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LIBRIS titelinformation: Economic development and Islamic response : the case of Iran, 1962-1992 / Turaj S. Faran Pris: 269 kr. Inbunden, 2011. Skickas inom 3-6 vardagar. Köp The Industrialization Process in the Chinese Mirror av Turaj S Faran på Big thanks to Turaj Faran who encouraged me from the very beginning to the very end - thank you for making me listen and think!
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Hansen, Melissa, Turaj S. Faran, and David O'Byrne (manuscript, submitted to a peer-reviewed journal). “The Best Laid Plans: Environmental conservation and
LUCID – Lund University Centre for Integration of. M Hansen, T Faran, D O'Byrne. The Journal of Environment & Development 24 (4), International Health 18, 2013. 2013.
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Sökning: "Turaj Faran". Hittade 1 avhandling innehållade orden Turaj Faran. 1. The Industrialization Process in the Chinese Mirror - Continuity and change in
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LIBRIS titelinformation: Economic development and Islamic response : the case of Iran, 1962-1992 / Turaj S. Faran
Kursansvarig: Turaj Faran Turaj S. Faran - fakta, böcker och kuriosa om författaren Turaj S. Faran. I vår författardatabas har vi samlat över 100 000 st författare. 2 INTERNATIONELL HANDEL MED JORDBRUKSMARK Ett modernt baggböleri Lennart Olsson Yengoh G. Tambang Turaj Faran Anne Jerneck LUCSUS Lund 14 juni 2012 — Turaj Faran.
Turaj Faran's 6 research works with 31 citations and 432 reads, including: Loss and damage from climate change and implicit assumptions of sustainable development
19. Christine Wamsler Turaj S Faran. The Industrialization Process in the Chinese Mirror -- Bok 9789174732283, Inbunden. Media-Tryck, 2011-01-01. ISBN: 9789174732283 av T Wright · 2013 — Turaj S. Faran, The industrialization process in the Chinese mirror: continuity and change in transition from collective agriculture to market economy in China, Selected reading corresponding to particular lectures, individual and q group assignment. Ca. 400 sidor. Kontaktinfo och övrigt.
S. Kirsti Niskanen.